Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Truth about Gochar

Yesterday morning Toby and I were comparing “bellies”. The fact that there is a baby in mine is becoming an increasingly popular topic of conversation. It has been pointed out to him on numerous occasions when he has indulged in such toddler behaviour as kicking or performing surprise jumps onto me from the other side of the couch. But despite the fact that this baby is hampering his temper tantrums and surprise jump attacks; he has grown increasingly more curious and fascinated by this “Baby in the belly” phenomenon.

Yesterday, after his third bowl of cereal, he wanted to know if there was, perhaps, a baby in HIS belly too. Despite the fact that it did sort of look that way, I explained to him that only mommies could have babies. Would it be coming out soon so he could meet her? (He is consistent that it’s going to be a little sister…) I told him it was a bit of a wait still and my belly was going to get a lot bigger before the baby came out.

“Mommy.” He said excitedly, “When the baby comes out it’s going to have BLUE eyes just like you and me!”

“Oh, really?”

“And I’m going to be the big brother!” he continued with enthusiasm. “And I’m going to HELP you”

Cherishing this conversation and not wanting it to end I delved deeper and asked what the baby was going to be called.

Toby got quiet and then quietly revealed to me a secret he was obviously keeping close to his heart,

“She’s going to be Gochar.”

Sometimes I can’t follow his little brain, but in that instant I suddenly understood. Gochar, his beloved imaginary friend, who now takes up an extra place at the table and joins in on all of our songs and games and keeps Toby company when we make him play by himself, is his preparation; Gochar is his little sister.

The very thought of the way he tenderly stated Gochar’s name as he let me in on his secret and the way that, even in his imagination, he lets Gochar win running races and have equal turns singing nursery rhymes and playing eye spy with us made my eyes well up with tears. What a great big brother he is already turning out to be.

I only hope he isn’t TOO disappointed when we DON'T give the baby an alien name...


  1. That is so adorable! While reading I thought you were going to say Toby asked how the baby was getting out of your belly...and I wondered how you'd handle that one. Also Toby asking if he had a baby in his belly reminded me of when my 4 year old asked her daddy if he had a baby in his belly. He immediately texted me that maybe now is really the time to start trying to lose some weight :))

  2. Oh - how lovely. One day when he is a grown up boy you will tell him that story and he will be embarrassed by his tenderness and sharing and his love for his imaginary friend.

    Just think of his little brain and how amazing he must think it is to have his wonderful Gochar about to make an appearance in real life! But from the parenting perspective, I guess you'll need to talk him away from that one - since of course, the baby in your belly won't be the Gochar in his mind.

    Ah children - what amazing challenges they present for us.

