Saturday, May 9, 2009

Best part of the game...

I was sitting with my parents tonight watching the hockey game. We have to keep reminding my dad what we’re watching, who’s playing and why we’re cheering for whomever we’re cheering for. My dad used to be a scout for the Islanders and a hockey player himself…he also spends his days watching “Sports Centre”, hoping desperately for something exciting to happen. So the Stanley Cup Playoffs isn’t some sort of dementia-torture method -- we are all sitting here for HIM and he really SHOULD be following AND enjoying this.

Apart from his occasional cries of “WHERES THE DOG” it seems like he’s into the game. My mom, occasionally, needs to be reminded what colour each team is wearing, but in general she’s enjoying herself as well.

But the BEST moment came during a commercial.

The usual run of Ikea, Folgers Coffee and other commercials came on. But it was during the 100th showing if the Lotto 649 commercial that my dad came to life. Suddenly he was on the edge of his chair -- totally fascinated and amused…at the end of the commercial, as she unveiled her winning ticket and raced around her couch for the umpteenth time my father BURST into laughter and exclaimed, "Now THATS a good commercial!" and then, sitting back in his chair, puzzled “But what's FUNNY is that they TOTALLY changed it!!!”

Acting as if we hadn’t just seen that very same (UNCHANGED) add 5 times in the last 20 minutes, we chuckled and gave him a “thumbs up sign” him as he want back to watching the game.

“Now…WHO is winning?”

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