Friday, August 21, 2009

We Survived!

So today was the day. No fever. No earache. No pit in the bottom of mommy’s stomach. We were all ready and excited for the daycare adventure to begin. ESPECIALLY Toby. I kept saying, “Today you’re a big boy and you’re going to day care!” and he’d repeat, “Da-eh-ka!” We took pictures of him with his knapsack (you can see how shy and terrified he is…) and then we set out in the car. About 1 minute into the drive I realized why he had been so excited; unable to contain himself any longer he finally asked excitedly “Ga-Ga!??!!”

He thought we were going to Grandma’s house.

And who WOULDN’T be excited to go to Grandma’s house with your backpack full of all your favourite teddy bears, blankets and sippy cups? OBVIOUSLY he was going to spend some quality time there.

I guess the only time we say we’re GOING somewhere in the midst of packing up and making a big show of things is when we’re actually GOING somewhere - -which is usually to either Grandma’s house.

So what a shock to the poor guy when the usually long drive ended 5 minutes down the road and he was dumped into the arms of Ruth instead of his beloved Grandma.

The last thing I heard after PRYING him out of my arms, was Ruth coaxing Toby to wave “bye-bye” to me. He didn’t even turn to look. He was NOT impressed.

Rob and I consoled one another by going out for breakfast. After that we went our separate ways to run some errands. The funny thing was that we kept bumping into one another in town. It was as if we were both absentmindedly wandering around in complete oblivion, but I’m sure Rob–the-always-and-ever-so-uber-organized would disagree and claim that HIS trajectory of errand running made COMPLETE sense. It just happened to keep intersecting with my erratic-not-so-well-thought-out-trajectory.

In any event, the minutes ticked by slowly until FINALLY 4pm arrive and I got to go and pick Toby up.

It took him 10 minutes to even LOOK at me because he was busy pushing Dillon off the couch so he could get a front row view of Baby Einstein that they had JUST put on. (Or so they claimed.) After another 10 minutes of pointing out all the amazing toys like BALLS and HOUSES and SHOES that they had there, I managed to convince him that he DID want to come home because Daddy had missed him a lot.

The INSTANT we reached the car he began asking, “Gaga!”

Nope - -he hadn’t forgotten…NOW were we going to Grandma’s house?

So we all survived…and the only difference I’ve detected so far is the neatly combed hair (they always comb their hair after naps time…) and his newfound skill : spitting.

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