Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Countdown to Daycare

Step #1 : The Back pack

And so it starts - - the countdown to daycare. Toby will officially be released from the world of mommy/daddy in t minus 5 days.


So today, to prepare MYSELF for it, I bought him his very first backpak. It was on sale at Walmart for $10 and it’s blue and black with Batman on the front. Toby has no idea who batman is or what a backpack is for, but I knew he’d like it. And he did.

Initially he was fascinated by the batman cartoon on the front and kept pointing to it. And THEN I showed him how the backpack opened up. And how he could put his toys in it. And how he could put it on his back.

That part he didn’t like.

“NO NO NO NO!!!” (to paraphrase)

SO I put it on MY back and walked around the house and then took it off and opened it up and played with the toys that were inside of it.

It was a hit. His new favourite word (besides “no”) is now “bak-pak”.

1 comment:

  1. He's adorable! He will love daycare and you will both be fine! Soon that backpack will be filled with the moldy remnants of uneaten lunches :) (or maybe that's just my son's) But of course...there will also be mounds of artwork and cards and mothers' day presents made at school!
