Wednesday, August 19, 2009

False alarm

Rob and I awoke on Monday morning with a giant pit in our stomachs as we prepared to send our baby off to join the world of other toddlers. We showered and prepared ourselves before going in to get Toby, who had decided to sleep in that morning. Rob came out of Toby’s room with a slightly flushed and very HOT version of the man of the day. Just to be cautious we checked his temperature under his armpit. 38.6 degrees. Three times in a row. And after cold milk. And after 30 minutes of naked time. And finally, the emerg doc in me arose and I did a rectal temperature (because I just don’t trust the axillary readings). 39 degrees (AKA 102.2degrees Farenheit). (Sorry, mom, I know that was the most grammatically incorrect paragraph ever...)

I’m sure any day-care-savy-mother would have just medicated their kid and ship them off. But it was his first day. And Rob and I tend to be a little….humbled by childhood illnesses. Lets just say we respect them and take them seriously. So, after some humming and hawing about it, we phoned the daycare and postponed his first day.

How is THAT for anticlimactic?

And poor Rob—instead of his leisurly day off from daddy-day-care he got to bring a whiny Toby into my office to have him checked out.

Otitis media.

We fall victim to the good old ear infection. And just to CONFIRM it, I worked the after hours clinic last night and saw about 30 people of varying ages with the same thing. ‘Tis the season.

But the good part is that we are now well versed on the day care’s policy on sick kids. He has officially been fever free for 24 hours so he is welcomed back at any time.

So - - hang tight. I will update you on his FIRST DAY OF DAYCARE (drum roll….) on Friday! And right now I’m off to wash pink Amoxicillen off all of our clothes…

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