Friday, April 17, 2009

The Infestation

I hope this post doesn’t scare everyone away from visiting us, but our house seems to be INFESTED with Dumdelungs.  (Pronouncesd Dum-deh-lung).  They are EVERYWHERE.  I don’t know what they are, either, but Toby has been on the look out for them ever since he woke up this morning

When I went in to get him, instead of his usual smile and “Mum mum” I was greeted with a stern look and then he pointed to the wall and said, “Dumdelung”.  That one turned out to be a funny one because he smiled and laughed after that and pointed to a few more dumdelungs that were scattered around his room.   And he’s been pointing them out to me ever since.

At breakfast, almost every second bite contained a “dumdelung” and I’m pretty sure there was one on my face because he pointed that one out as well.   Sometimes they are funny and sometimes they are scary.  I know that because after he points them out (loudly) he then SCREAMS.  Which I can only assume is his way of warning me that it’s a dangerous one.

There was one dumdelung in particular today, which was especially “frightening”.  I was quietly and unsuspectingly sitting on the toilet in the upstairs bathroom when suddenly the door FLEW OPEN and Toby walked in, index finger first and SCREAMED at me “DUMDELUNG” as he pointed to the wall behind me.  It then seemed to move to the sink and then to the toilet paper. But not to worry! As I flushed the toilet Toby stood fascinated, watching the water disappear and apparently a Dumdelung was in there too.

I’m hoping the dumdelung infestation ends soon and is replaced by normal things like “pictures” or “teddy bears” or “milk”.  But hey, if I was only going to use one word for the rest of my life, I have to say – “dumdelung” is a good one.

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