Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Toby wins AGAIN

There are several benefits to imaginary friends; they continue to slide down waterslides with you long after your parents have tired of the activity, and they ALWAYS let you win. Toby and Gochar amused themselves for hours with the new waterslide we got him. Usually Toby allows Gochar a few token "wins" but not when it came to his new waterslide. As you can see in the video, Toby won the race every time.


  1. Robin said that was AWESOME!

  2. Silas and selema watched the video 17 times (I counted!). I wonder what they were thinking? I think they both have plans for challenging either Toby or Gochar in a race before the summer's out!

  3. Alyssa, thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I had been worrying about exactly what you mentioned - will Christopher ever be the same again after all that he has been through? I absolutely cried my eyes out when I read your reply because you brought up one of those worries that I hadn't even been able to talk about yet. I'm so reassured to see Toby looking like a happy and healthy little guy these days.

    Christopher is back in the ICU after a second surgery this week. It's been a rough time. Every little bit of support helps and such a heartfelt message from a stranger was particularly touching. Thank you.
