Tuesday, March 29, 2011

One of Those Days...

Today was one of those days…when all I had to do was make a loaf of zucchini bread, but even THAT turned out to clash with Mia’s plans for my day.

Mia had a long stretch last night which meant two things: counter intuitively, I was up more than usual, waking up at the regularly scheduled 3 hour intervals only to spend the next 2 hours sleeping fitfully as I awaited her royal highnesses’ new feeding time. It also meant that I woke up completely engorged and Mia spent the rest of the day trying to eat without making herself sick. She did this by using my breasts as a swim up snack bar, intermingled with brief siestas. After a few hours of this the two things I was responsible for keeping track of were beyond me. Was she crying because she was hungry or tired? Taking cues from a 2 month old is no easy task. Deciphering the different cries is mildly reminiscent of listening to different heart sounds and trying to hear the difference between a split s2 and an early S3. Our day dissolved into a mess of irrational fussiness. On both our parts.

Finally, I resorted to putting her in the swing while I vacuumed. She fell asleep! And she slept. And slept. For WAY longer than I had planned to vacuum. I found myself stalling -- I didn’t want to risk turning the vacuum off and having her wake up, but there is only so much you can vacuum. I did half of the bedrooms and half of the stairs. Why half? Because the central vac will only reach so far and I didn’t want to unplug it.

And that is how Rob found us an hour later when he (finally!) got home from work. I was sitting peacefully eating homemade zucchini bread and Mia was asleep in the swing. And that vacuum was still going in the corner.

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