Friday, March 18, 2011

Froggie Rules

Since Toby was just a wee kid we have listened to the same Raffi CD in my car. I TRY to get him interested in other more adult friendly music like hip hop or dance but he always requests “My favourite music” which is basically any Raffi song. As such, I have developed my own favourite; 5 green and speckled frogs.

This morning, there was some perfectly decent upbeat music on the radio but I was urged to switch to Raffi and so I complied, glad to hear that MY favourite was next in queue. As I started to sing along I was RUDELY interrupted and firmly scolded from the back seat,

“MOMMY. You can’t SING this song, only FROGS can sing it.”

His bossiness was followed by some weird wide mouth contortionism and loud gulping sounds. Apparently, this was what it took to be a frog.

NO way I was going to be left out of my favourite song, so I eagerly and animatedly complied and did my best frog act while simulating hungry-frog-grub-gulping.

My next mistake was to jump into the pool.

“Mommy! Has to stay on the LOG!”

Note to self- - I am frog #3 and committing the crime of premature jumping is almost just as bad as singing along without amphibian status. (Note- Toby is frog #5.)

By the third go round of the song I had the rules straight and was permitted to both sing AND jump into the pool. My victory smile soon faded, however, as I realized the dude in the next truck over had been observing my performance as we sat at the red light together. Judging by the look on his face I highly doubt he recognized me as Green and Speckled Frog #3 but PROBABLY thought of me as more of an air-gulping lunatic.

Oh, the things we do for our kids…

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