Thursday, February 12, 2009

Peanut Butter Shampoo

I can't believe its already almost been a week since my last post  - - we've been keeping busy enjoying Toby's new developments.  Last week we finally figured out why he kept picking things up and WHACKING himself in the head with them.  He thinks anything with buttons on it is a cell phone - -and obviously, the thing to DO with a phone is put it up to your ear!  As soon as we discovered this we a) rejoiced in the fact that he wasn't engaging in self harm behavior and b) reinforced the new behavior by laughing and imitating it back to him.  So now Toby thinks EVERYTHING is a cell phone.  

Yesterday when I got home from work his hair was wet.  Apparently Toby even applied his new game to his breakfast piece of toast with peanut butter.  The boys had a post-breakfast shower that day.

Peanut Butter is Toby's second new passion (second only to the cell phone game, of course).  Rob stayed true to his word and started Toby on it last week.  I think it was day #2 in the ICU when the doctors announced that they were going to start Toby on a third and "more powerful antibiotic" that Rob threw up his hands in despair and said, "That's IT.  When we get home I'm giving him PEANUT BUTTER. "  After MONTHS of patiently waiting 3 days between introducing new foods and ensuring he didn't ACCIDENTALLY eat anything with egg whites in it until his first birthday - -Toby has proved to us that he can handle just about ANYTHING.  So we slipped him some PB a month shy of his 1st birthday.  ANd he loves it.  (It especially feels good in the hair...)

He's also been enjoying some tobogganing outside.  WHat he REALLY likes is when we pull him down to the lake in knee deep snow.  Its a pretty good workout for mom -- ESPECIALLY when he gets tired of being in his sled and I have to carry him AND the sled back while balancing through the  deep snow.  We do have snowshoes that I could wear but our little man has acquired MY patience, so we don't have time to wait for me to slip them on before we have to get MOVING!!!

That's all the news from here.  Tomorrow night I'm going on a romantic couples valentines dinner out at one of the nicest restaurants in Collingwood.  Rob's going to soccer.  SO basically it will be me and 2 other couples.  They're such good friends that they've already pointed out that if its at ALL awkward least I"ll be able to blog about it :)  I'll keep you posted....

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