Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy 11 Month Milestone, Toby!!!

I'm writing this post in honour of my little guy who made it through the 10th and worst month of his life and is now officially 11 months old!!!  Yes, we are ALL glad to have month #10 behind us and move on to bigger and better things.

So here's the official 11 month update on our Toby Bear....

11 things that Toby likes...

1.  Mum mums and bananas

2.  Helium Get well balloons.  Brightly coloured and with a mind of their own -- you hit them and they bounce back!

3.  Food.  Any food.  ESPECIALLY food that someone ELSE is eating.  This includes ; brie, thai food, goat cheese, pickles and toast with jam...he'll pretend to like ANYTHING if we're willing to share...

4.  His cell phone bath toy.  By some miraculous feat of technology this cell phone ONLY rings when its submerged in bath water.

5.  Our stereo system, the dirt in the plant in our bedroom, my ear plugs, any magazine or book that is easily torn and electrical plugs...

6.  Photos of himself

7.  Grandparents- - and he's got a LOT of them

8.  Music - -especially Shania, Rob's guitar playing and his dance baby dance CD

10.  Cars, trucks and Thomas the Tank Engine

11.  Touch and feel books

11 Things that Toby Hates

1.  Bed time

2.  Helium Get Well Balloons.  They're REALLY cool for the first 30 seconds...but they really DO have a mind of their own - you hit them and they BOUNCE BACK!!! Creepy...

3.  HIs snowsuit

4.  Wearing hats or shoes

5.  Having to lie still while we (God forbid) change his diaper

6.   Blueberries

7.   Not being allowed to touch items in #5 of the first list

8.  Anything that requires patience 

9.  Nap time

10.  NOt being able to play with the drain or the hot water dial during bath time

11.  HIs sleep sack

11 Things that Toby can do that we think are pretty cool...

1.  Climb UP the stairs

2.  Climb DOWN the stairs (he learned today how to do this WIHTOUTH going head first!)

3.  Dance, dance and dance

4.  SHake things on command

5.  Wave good bye

6.   Give kisses.  LIke as in wide mouthed slobbery ones aimed for your mouth.

7.  Squat down to pick things up

8.  Cruise around while casually dragging only a few fingers on the wall for balance

9. Empty ANY drawer in the house (including the dishwasher at Grandma's house)

10.  Take a few steps

11.  Imitate the noise machines make ie : the magic bullet, the hairdryer, Rob's electric razor, the humidifyer in his bedroom...he's got the throaty growl down pat...

He's changing day to day and learning new things all of the time.  Yesterday I had him to myself for the entire afternoon....and I almost lost my MIND by the end of it.  He didn't nap the entire time and spent his awake time trying to eat dirt or electrocute himeslf.  This kid has his energy, his mischeviousness and the sparkle in his eyes back.  And we appreciate every second of it.

Happy 11 months, Toby bear.  We are so looking forward to the next 11...and the next...and the next....

 We love you,


Mommy and Daddy

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