Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Shirtless Sibling Dance Parties

I am an only child; as such I was very excited to give Toby a sibling, NO MATTER HOW MUCH EFFORT IT TOOK ON MY PART so that he would have someone to play with.

I remind myself of this regularly, now, as Toby and Mia have entered a new stage of “playing together in Toby’s room”.  Mia enjoys the novelty of being actually ALLOWED in his room and Toby enjoys the novelty of setting the rules and being the boss.  Rob and I, I have to admit, enjoy the novelty of some moments of peace and quiet in which we can carry on a conversation together that we actually get to complete.  Without interruptions.

This new activity, as blissful as it sounds, is not without its perils.   When it first started Rob and I took our new found freedom WAY too seriously and let the antics carry on for a few minutes too long the first few times.

We have since had to establish a few ground rules:

1.  Mia is not allowed to paint with marker on either the walls OR her legs
2.  Mia is not allowed to pee on the bed
3.  Mia is not allowed to open, close or smash Toby’s blinds onto the floor.

Last night after a particularly long day of work, I snuck down to Toby’s room to retrieve a hug from my darling kids.  I found them both on the bed, half naked, with Dance Mix 1997 blaring in the background; they were dancing their hearts out.

“WE’RE HAVING A DANCE PART!!!” Toby exclaimed while a shirtless Mia bounced horizontally in the background.  “YOU CAN’T COME IN UNLESS YOU’RE DANCING!!!”

I had no choice BUT to dance with them for a few minutes, before returning upstairs to start dinner. 

As a parent there is nothing better than to see your two children enjoying each other’s company, in whatever capacity it comes…and hey, I think I’ve got at least a few years before the whole “shirtless part” needs to worry me…

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