Sunday, August 7, 2011

Adult Converstions

This morning at breakfast, Toby and I found ourselves eating the exact same cereal with the exact same berries in it. This was VERY exciting to Toby and in all of his excitement he exclaimed, “Mommy! Lets eat breakfast together and talk like you and daddy talk when you eat supper together!”

I was immediately intrigued and agreed to this breakfast game without hesitation. I started the game off with anticipatory silence, waiting to hear what my 3 year old thinks is appropriate “adult talk” during mealtime.

Toby started off with a dramatic topic of conversation. Complete with arm gestures and an exasperated look on his face he opened with a sudden proclamation; “There are SO MANY FLIES in here! Oh my GOODNESS!”

I concurred and took another bite of cheerios.

He then changed his tone a little as he tried to start up the next topic of conversation with, “Did you hear about Rwanda? She is sick. Very, very sick.” And he sadly shook his head, lamenting “Rwanda”’s ill state of health.

I stifled a laugh at this one (not just for the fact that the invented name RWANDA was rather clever) and was then invited to engage in a game of “You say yes, I’ll say no”

This carried on for a few rounds before Toby laughed and said, “I won!”

Tragically, our game was interrupted by the sudden realization that the berries in his cereal had all disappeared.

“Guess where they WENT?” he asked excitedly

“In your mouth?” I stated the obvious,

“Nope..." (wait for it) "...In my EYEBALL!”

I’ll give him the fact that Rob and I sometimes comment on the flies and, being a palliative care doctor, I suspect a lot of conversation DOES involve sick people, (sometimes VERY sick people, said with a shake of the head and downwards gaze of the eyes) and perhaps we do have a lot of back and forth yes vs. no, but Rob has NEVER in all the time I’ve been with him, digested his food in his eyeballs. It was an interesting look into the world of conversation from a 3 year olds perspective while it lasted. And now back to talking about eyeballs.

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