Friday, January 8, 2010

My morning surprise!

Am I allowed to mention barf again on my blog? I mean, how much is TOO much? Because I’m thinking right now that it’s about to cross the line into TOO much - -at least for my liking anyway.

Toby was sick last night – very quietly, yet messily, sometime between the hours of 7pm and 8am. So this morning I was unsuspectingly greeted by 13 hour-old-dried-up-yesterday’s-lasagne-regurtitated-by-my-two-year-old-and-then-rolled-in-all-night. Complemented by the smell.

It is now near the top of the list of my LEAST favourite things to wake up to, second only to a lethargic, feverish and croupy Toby from just about this time last year.

It kind of baffles me that someone (even being only 22 months old) is able to vomit without making more than a grunt and then spend the next several hours sleeping IN it. Should I get my child’s olfactory system checked out? How could this not have bothered him???

I asked myself these questions as I went about our (newly revised) morning routine cheerfully (so not to upset him) as if we ALWAYS strip the bed, wash his bear, have a bath and take his temperature first thing in the morning. I didn’t THINK I’d informed him of his nighttime escapades until I was drying his hair; he looked up at me with his big wide-gastritis-infested-eyes and said, “Toby have BARFS in the HAIR?”

Not entirely grammatically correct, but hey, it was a 6 word sentence so we’ll give him points for that.

I then set about cleaning his crib - -again, trying to be somewhat discreet so as not to upset him. (Toby is somewhat particular about his crib – usually, when it’s not barf infested – the first thing I do in the morning is put all the animals who have somehow fallen out over night back into the crib, at his royal highness’s request, of course) So I distracted him with some puzzles and (who am I kidding?) Sid the Science Kid video and set about my cleaning job. I basically had to dismantle the entire crib to get into the crevices his sneaky stomach contents had managed to get into. All the while Toby kept very helpfully popping his head in to check on his animals and ask incredulously, “Mommy DOING!?!?”

I’m cleaning up your barf, kid.

I won’t enlighten you on the events of the rest of the day as I’m feeling (and smelling) that the line has now officially been crossed. Thank goodness I didn’t go into pediatrics - - at least I have the respite of Monday at the office to look forward to…

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