Thursday, June 18, 2009

White Pants update...

OK, now I don’t want to BELABOUR the point or anything but I have to give you an update on day #2 of the conference.


I wore black pants.  And a pink top.  No white to be seen.  And it was a good thing, too, because today they had bagged MANGO Silli Fruit.  In juice.


I was just about feeling good about myself again when I spotted something that made my heart stop.


At the conference there was a pregnant lady.  And not just any pregnant lady -- I’m talking ready-to-pop-sitting-by-the-exit-I-could-go-any-time-now-waddle-waddle-pregannt lady.


And GUESS what she was wearing?


White pants.


What PREGNANT lady wears white pants??? ESPECIALLY at a conference that serves various types of SILLI fruit in JUICE?  What a show off.  I mean, that’s just SILLI.  Did she REALLY think she wasn’t going to sneeze or cough or laugh or tip over on the grass at any point during the day?


I just sat back in awe.  This is what conferences are all about….

1 comment:

  1. What the heck is SILLI fruit??? I've never heard of it...the thing they dig up to serve at conferences....hmmmm....and yeah, I'd never wear white pants while pregnant...or not for that matter...hats off to you for getting through it even once and maybe even getting a second wearing out of those pants!
