Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Trip to Grandma's in which Toby Learned to Bite Flowers Instead of Children

I survived.  Three nights, 2 days (I went down for one of the days…), 10 meals, 6 poopie diapers and one new tooth.   After an amazing few days at Grandma and Grandpa’s my boy is finally back home with me. 


Toby did REALLY well.  He only ate the dog’s kibble a few times and even made a friend at the local park where he went every day.  This is big stuff for Toby.  The last time we left him with my parents he bit a kid at the park. (A different park.  One we don’t take him to anymore…)  So to actually make a FRIEND as a 15 month old-biter is a big accomplishment.


The other thing Grandma taught him was not to rip the heads off the flowers.  I give him credit for appreciating the beauty of flowers- - I mean, what horticultural kid WOULDN’T want to rip the heads off the pretty flowers?  So I was quite surprised to see that my mother’s efforts paid off and Toby has learned, quite cutely, to admire the flowers by squatting down and “smelling” them, instead of ripping them apart with his little fists.


The first time I saw him do this I didn’t actually understand WHAT he was doing. But by the second and third time I caught on and was quite impressed.  But the FOURTH time I realized something was up….I KNEW my kid wasn’t the “I’ll just SMELL these pretty flowers” type…..he had me for a while but gradually I noticed that as he “smelled” the Alyssums the little blue heads disappeared.  So I looked more closely and realized he wasn’t actually “smelling “ the flowers.  He was very subtly LICKING them.  And biting the heads off of every second one.


Overall I would call the visit a success.  And if it were a Winnie the Pooh story it would be entitled, “The Trip to Grandma’s in which Toby learned to Bite Flowers Instead of Children.”  

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, the biting will pass...when my son was 3 he once left a mouth shaped bruise on another kid's face at daycare! I thought we'd never live that one down...but thankfully he hasn't bitten anyone since :))
