Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March Break 2014

Ahh…March Break….that polarizing week of the year that leaves many Canadian parents mourning its ending and the other half clapping with excitement for school to resume.

Lucky for me this year I was in the fortunate group who had such a  great week I couldn’t bear the thought of it coming to an end.   I'm in a unique scenario - for me, March break doesn't mean a mad scramble to find childcare.  For me, it means a week when I get my husband back!! It also meant, this year, a nice reprieve from the cold and from Mia’s sudden premature decision not to nap anymore.

Bright and early Friday morning, before March Break had even become official, the Henry family boarded a plane for Orlando, Florida and were off to frolic with the Disney characters.  We had one chilly (20 degree) day (which seemed ludicrously extravagetnt to me when my car gauged  MINUS 20 on our way home from the airport) and the rest of the week we enjoyed 25-30 degrees of mood altering, sandal welcoming sunshine…

Whereas last time we visited Disney I got shingles form the stress of flying with a 9 month old, this time I watched a documentary on the flight and arrived unscathed.  The kids had a BLAST.  Nothing like Magic Kingdom, a spontaneous daylight savings time change and a case of the trots to get Mia back into her much needed naps.  I wouldn’t suggest that taking two kids with rather explosive and unpredictable surges of watery diarrhea to Magic Kingdom sounds all that appealing, but they both willingly agreed to sport (mickey mouse) pampers plus diapers all day if it meant going on rides.  And Mia is ALWAYS up for a costume change (which we did about 3 times a day..)  It added a certain element of “magic” to the trip, shall we say…

Rob and I even got out on a few date nights ourselves.

All in all, it was a wonderful March break, and so nice to be on the “Waaahh…march break is over!!!” side of facebook updates…

Hope yours was as adventurous and “magical” as ours!

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