Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Mia Turns 9 - Oh My...

Potentially the First Birthday Blog by Dad…and Potentially the Last…

Mia, you have become the light of our lives. You have grown so very much in this past year.  Who would have thought that you would begin to grow into a young woman.  I know, I know, you are only 9, but oh my, the changes that have begun to take place are going to lead to someone who takes the world by storm!

At this time in 2019, we had planned out a ‘trip around the world’ for my ‘year off’.  Well, you were definitely the most excited.  You were telling the world too!  We could be standing in the liquor store and the cashier would ask you were doing and you would respond with, “We’re going for a trip around the world next year”.  We did have to have a few conversations after that about how important it is to talk about the ‘topic at hand’ with responses that were not disclosing to everyone were we were headed and when.  You were definitely becoming more assertive. 

You were also becoming more passionate about the sports that interested you.  You rejoined the soccer team, although I don’t think that you scored any goals last summer.  You played some basketball, although you seemed to want to socialize with the girls more than anything.  You loved going to gymnastics with Charlie R. where you learned just how good she was at gymnastics, while you worked on your backward walk-overs incessantly!  And finally, you asked if you could play hockey again.  We weren’t sure if this was because you actually wanted to play hockey or because we spent so much time going to and watching Toby’s hockey that it was your way of taking control of the situation and getting the attention from your mother and I.  Regardless of the ‘why’, you have fallen in love.  There was only one Friday night, early on in the season, where you insisted on not going to hockey.  After the arguing and tears, we made it there, only to have you arrive at the car and say, “Thank you so much for making me go to hockey, that was the best practice ever, and I love hockey”.  We might make an all star out of you yet Mia.

Mia you are becoming a brilliant young mind.  I see this in your daily interest to read and your ability to use words that I did not even know that you knew, get fluently used in a sentence, “Occasionally, I feel like I would like you to just listen to me more carefully, daddy”.  Who says things like this, when you are 9?  You are thoughtful and kind.  I see this when you take the time to apologize to Toby when you do something that upsets him.  You are determined and strong willed.  This is evident when you will just not back down from your brother…or your parents.  We have talked about the importance of compromise, but your inner strength will take you far…especially when you go shopping.  You are also hilarious and full of positive energy.  Sometimes you get tired, and your ‘down side’ comes out, but you are becoming more self-aware of this and creating even more laughter with all of us.  This is never more apparent when you are shopping, because you are willing to try on anything, and give your honest opinion of it, while sharing the laughter of putting on ridiculous outfits. 

You make us proud every day.  I look forward to seeing just how much of a difference there will be when you reach double digits, only a year from now.  Happy 9th Birthday Mia.