Friday, September 11, 2009

Morning Phone Calls

There is nothing sweeter than being privy to the immeasurable bond that my husband has with our amazing child…..

As much as I have complained about the sudden change in routine for ME, I think Rob’s return to work has affected me the least. Poor Rob has now gone from spending every waking moment with Toby to a class of 13 year olds and poor Toby has gone from spending every waking moment with his Dada to the day care ladies, Nora, Ruth and Emma and a multitude of other kids.

He loves daycare, now, and he loves Nora and asks about her on weekends, but by FAR the person he asks about the most his wonderful Daddy.

Every morning when I go to get him up I am met by a big grin and an immediate accusation, “DADA!!!?!?!” As if I have single handedly banished him from Toby’s morning life. Oh, no, little guy, my life as well would be MUCH EASIER if Dada were around in the mornings. But still the question persists. As I get him out of his sleep sac, “Dada?” and as I change his diaper, “Dada….” and as I make him breakfast he wanders around the house calling, “Dada!...Dada?”

It is quite heartbreaking, despite the fact that I know that Dada is merely doing his job and that Toby will be reunited with him in 8 hours or so….The other morning I just couldn’t stand it so I came up with the idea to call Dada on his cell phone (he was on his way to work- -it’s a 40 minute drive…)

So I called up my uber-practical-don’t-call-my-cell-phone-unless-your-water-has-broken-or-someone-is-dying husband (no, I’m NOT pregnant again, that rule comes from a time…about 18 months ago…). I quickly reassured him that the house had NOT in fact burned down and that the child WAS still alive but that we both missed him SO MUCH that we just had to call and say good morning.

He paused.

And then I put the phone up to Toby’s ear. I heard Rob’s cheerful greeting and a HUGE smile crossed Toby’s face. He looked up at me and thanked me with a satisfied whisper, “….dada…” before shoving his cheek back into the receiver. “MORE!” he said and Rob and Toby engaged is the most heartwarming conversation over the phone. It was pretty one sided as Toby has fairly selective language at the best of times. But I could see the grin and hear the delight in Rob’s voice every time Toby marveled over “dada’s” presence and repeatedly asked for “more.”

The next morning it wasn’t US that called, but Rob.

“Oh, hi, nothing wrong, I was just checking in….is Toby up yet?”

And so we have a NEW morning routine….

1 comment:

  1. That was so cute and heartwarming (if a guy is allowed to say that word.) Robin cried at first when going to daycare. Now she gets upset when she leaves because there are still toys to play with! How they grow up.

