Friday, November 26, 2010

"The quiet one" has been deciphered!

I’ve mentioned before on my blog about “the quiet one” and how different this baby seems to be from my verbose-hyper-energized toddler. One of my favourite memories of Toby in the womb was his predictable love of hip-hop. Driving to and from work I would always search the stations for Kanye because I knew it would elicit some forceful and often well timed kicks from him; in my head he was a cool little hip hop dude before he was even 5 months formed. What a shock when he not only came out WHITE, but a hot nonsensical mess.

I feel better prepared for the realities of this baby but despite this, find it somewhat disappointing that I can’t decipher its musical tastes. Believe me, I’ve tried; dance music, country music, kids music – I get nothing. For the first 6 months I even went to weekly hip-hop classes which had the inverse effect of lulling it to sleep. Nowadays, even Raffi (which is on repeat in the car, having long ago stolen the spotlight from Kanye) doesn’t get a rise out of this baby.

So what a shock (and a bit of relief) last weekend when I discovered that this baby DOES have a musical preference (and adequate hearing). During a fabulous weekend in Toronto with the girls we went to see Priscilla Queen of the Desert. It was absolutely fantastic and a definite must see. From the second the music stars it is one great song after another; the baby kicked, bounced and wiggled away the ENTIRE TIME.

So there you go – it took a long 7.5 months to unveil, but my baby is NOT a dud. It just so happens I’m carrying a drag queen.

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