Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mommy : The Football Expert

I have been forced to become an expert in something of which I know NOTHING: football. As the Superbowl approaches, Sunday afternoons in our house have become lazy days in front of the football game with Daddy intently watching and Toby eagerly questioning. I have NEVER been knowledgeable at football. Though I have tried on numerous occasions to focus on the game and the rules and all those numbers, it has just never really sunk in. The best I can do for my husband is to host a fantastic superbowl party every year so that (at least for the big events) he has someone to watch it with.

That being said, I don’t know WHY the kid keeps asking ME about the plays. But he does. As Rob quietly sips a beer, I am left to fend for myself and explain every minutia of the game to my inquisitive son. It is as if he goes into repeat mode with the question, “What HAPPNEING, Mommy?” to which I summon up the most confident and understandable-to-a-two-year-old-answers like “Uh….see that big guy? He’s saying 'On your mark get set GO' and then he’s going to throw the ball!” Or “Oops! He fell down!” or “He’s RUNNING and the other man is CHASING him.”

Rob just sits there and rolls his eyes. I am a LITTLE worried that he may get beaten up in grade school for thinking that the quarterback bends over to sing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” before each play. But hey - -at least it makes football watching a bit more interesting for me!

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