Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Trying to have an adult conversation....

I have been trying hard recently not to use a “baby voice” when I talk to Toby.  I really admire my friend Dayna who talks to her daughters without changing the tone of her voice or the words that she uses.  They always seem to have such normal, adult conversations,

“Maya, would you like to have raisins as a snack or crackers and cheese?”

“No, I don’t feel like raisins today, maybe just some cheese and crackers for now”

as opposed to MY meal time conversations with Toby,


“TOBY! There are NO MORE blueberries!  Eat your apple…MMMM….nummmy nummy nummy apple…mmmm”

(mommy pretends to eat apple and enjoy it before putting some on Toby’s tray)


(Toby throws the apple on the floor)

So tonight I tried my hand at adult talk with Toby.

When he triumphantly discovered his toy wooden hammer (thank you again for that, mother) behind the throw pillow on the couch, I took him into my lap and calmly explained to him that I had hidden it there because he was banging it on inappropriate things like the glass table and the window and people.  This was just before he clocked me in the face with it.

I then calmly explained to him that mommy was going into the freezer to get ice for her face because of her sore cheek.  Which he then grabbed and squeezed between his chubby little fingers.

Well, that was enough of that. 

“Whooooose ready for bath time?  Mommy is! IS Toby? Time for ba-ba!” 

…Maybe I’ll try again next month….


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