Monday, July 13, 2009

Hide and Seek Triumphs

Toby has just started to play hide and seek.   I’m sure for most people the milestone of hide and seek play seems pretty basic, but it’s one of my favourite developments so far.  It not only means that he has grasped the concept of object permanence, but it also very sweetly demonstrates that he knows who we are and that life is better when we’re all together.   A typical game involves one of us hiding behind the bathroom/bedroom door or on the floor behind the couch/kitchen counter while Toby counts to 10 (with some assitance) while closing his eyes (with LOTS of assistance).  He then very sweetly emerges from his bedroom and tiptoes around the house singing in a soft sweet voice, “Dada? Da-da!”  I usually participate by singing in an equally melodic (but not quite so sweet) song “Where’s Da-ddy?”  until we find him.  And then the sweet, soft singing gives way to loud shrieks and laughter as he runs circles around the living room in hide-and-seek-champion-victory laps. 


But why SHOULD he be humble about his hide and seek skills?  He really is QUITE advanced in H+S play…in fact, to illustrate this to me further, he has taken the game to the next level by sometimes initiating the game on his own without my assistance...The other day I walked into the living room to find Toby “hiding” in the middle of the room.  Believe me, it wasn’t the inability to see him that indicated he was hiding, but more the fact that he was singing to me, “La-la-la!” to the same tune that I usually sing, “Where’s Da-ddy!”  And when I exclaimed, “There you are!!” (mustering up my best surprised expression) he dissolved into laughter and raced around the room.  (Another sure sign that he’d been hiding.)  He has found other LESS obvious spots to hide than the middle of the room.  Sometimes he stands by the window, sometimes he sits on the floor.  But you can always tell its H+S by his stillness and the devilish expression in his eyes….and, of course, the singing is a dead giveaway everytime…


I have a feeling the game may need some fine tuning before daycare starts in September…

1 comment:

  1. I love hide and seek with toddlers. At age 2.5, Josh still loves it. Only now, he will sit in the middle of the room and yell "mommy come find me" and grin gleefully while I pretend to find him. Then he'll shriek joyfully when I say "aha there you are!". Oh and sometimes he makes me count to 10 first. Bossy kid.
