Friday, March 20, 2009

Love hurts

I feel like I’ve been beaten up.  I just left Toby’s room after putting him down for a nap.  We had had a big play outside so I was trying to get him to unwind by having some down time in his room.  OK, so maybe just mommy needed down time.  As I lay on the floor, Toby just ran around me dropping books onto my head, pulling my hair, sticking his fingers up my nose and then biting me.   It felt like some sort of weird torture ritual run by extremely short people with bad balance.  Realizing my "relaxation plan" was not going to work, I got out the sleep sack and put him into bed.  

I've been feeling badly for Toby these past few days, because he's trying desperately to learn the difference between kisses and bites.  We have taught him that kissing is affectionate and reward him endlessly with joyous exclamations and multiple kisses and hugs whenever he opens his big wet slobbery mouth and plants a fat one on our cheeks.  (ESPECIALLY if he does it on command!)  Every morning as I leave to go to work, Rob and Toby stand at the door and wave goodbye and then we all exchange kisses.  I wouldn't trade it for the world - -But over the past few days he has taken it a step further and ended his wonderful slobbery kiss with a CHOMP.  And having 4 teeth, this isn't something that goes without a reaction.   Usually a loud "OUCH" or "NO" but depending on the surprise factor, sometimes he gets pulled off or dropped in the process.  Either way, it scares him a little and I think he is confused as to why he's getting into trouble for showing us that he loves us.  Usually he goes to try again but often with the same result.  Its one of those tough decisions - -do I let him repeatedly bite my face in the hopes that he will learn the difference between bites or kisses or am I just being an idiot and letting my son bite my face?  Its one of MANY times I've wished I could rationally sit him down and EXPLAIN to him the difference and what he's doing wrong.  I guess I just have to keep being persistent and hope he gets it before someone puts an anonymous call into some domestic violence hotline.  IT would be pretty embarassing to have to explain -"Oh no, our home is very safe- - I just keep letting my kid bite me in the face."

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