Monday, July 1, 2019

Toby's Very Late 11th Birthday Post

I am months behind on writing your birthday blog, Toby and I am SO SORRY…although I suspect you are so busy enjoying camp right now that you haven’t even noticed that I hadn’t written anything and probably wouldn’t care anyways.

Here is the thing with you, Toby – you are ALWAYs busy.  At the time of your birthday we were juggling hockey play offs and your birthday road hockey party as well as our family trip to Belize for March break.  Now right in the thick of your rep soccer season you joined a hockey tem, finished the school Marathon and then took yourself off to camp for a week.  PHEW.  No wonder this is the first chance that I’m getting to sit down and reflect on

I suspect that I’m feeling particularly reflective right now because I miss you SO MUCH.  You have a quiet , kind presence  that leaves a very loud void when you are gone.  Don’t get me wrong – you have your moments.  Like, for example, any moment within 1 hour of your waking up is not really your strength.  You tend to growl more than talk until at least 2 bowls of cereal have been shoved into your face.  And God forbid that Mia dare to ask you a cheerful question during the cereal face-stuff.  I’m not quite sure why either of you haven’t actually learned this yet but it never goes over well.

You have expanded your friend group and remain loyal and a ton of fun to be around.  Trying out new adventures isn’t always your comfort zone but you’re trying.  You eagerly embarked on this new camp with your hockey friend Hugo and it made daddy and me so proud to see you confidently and optimistically face this new unknown.  I’m sure you’re out there having a blast.

On Everest’s birthday this year you went paintballing with your friends only to realize that guns and shooting and getting hurt are REALLY not your thing. But instead of coming home, you stuck it out for the ENTIRE DAY to be a loyal friend to Everest.  I admire and respect that about you, Toby. Your good friends are so lucky to have you.  As are we….

You bring so much laughter and reflection to our family (outside of the hours of your immediate waking, of course…)  You insist on the value of family dinners – even if this means eating late at night, after soccer or hockey practice and you always enjoy asking us all questions from your “questions book” to stimulate good conversation around the table.

You are growing into a confident, kind and thoughtful person, Toby.  I know you have always been that way but I am so happy to see you becoming even more like yourself each year.  I look forward to our future together- to sitting over dinners when we are older and chatting meaningfully about life and friends and family.  I have always loved you with all of my heart; it’s nice to see how much I truly like you as a person, too.
Oh my funny boy...

New adventure that you loved!

You love your sister.  MOST of the time...

relaxing in  Belize

Happy 11th Birthday, Buddy...xo

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