Toby spent a great deal of time making a mothers day card for my mom this weekend. At first he seemed a bit skeptical about putting his hockey stuff down long enough to engage in ARTS and CRAFTS which goes COMPLETELY against every ounce of morality that the poor guy has. But he soon grew excited by the fine array of firemen, sports and automobile stickers that I allowed him to choose from. He even found a lovely sticker of an eyeball that I’m sure grandma will GREATLY appreciate having on her card.
Once he had plastered the card in boyish stickers he decided to colour and eagerly handed me crayon after crayon with instructions on what to draw. His old standard is to ask that I draw “Hannah” (from daycare). Hannah is a lovely girl in his group with curly blonde hair. Quite appropriately I drew a stick figure with a dress, two dots for eyes and a mouth as well as some yellow hair. (See above - -not too complicated.)
When I was finished my fine portrait Toby looked down at it and GASPED with HORROR.
“Th-th-th—th-THAT’S not HANNAH, Mommy!” he bellowed, ‘That’s ABBY!!!”
I was then instructed to “DO IT AGAIN!”
Not only is the kid bossy; apparently he also has quite the eye for detail. I, on the other hand, need to work on my stick figures.
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