Toby is becoming QUITE the ladies man…. On Friday he had a visit from his girlfriend Aliison. They ate dinner together, played, and then had a romantic soak in the tub in which Toby almost drowned himself trying to kiss Allison and then, upon realizing that his chivalrous efforts could not compete with the novelty of a spray faucet, settled for a foot scrubbing with mommy’s scrub brush. Even I didn’t get that kind of service when I was 10 months pregnant….
Saturday night, he joined us for a street party where he played in a bounce house with OLDER WOMEN and impressed them all with his cuteness and ability to THROW himself DARINGLY down the slide. I take it I have not seen the last of him simultaneously impressing women and scaring the shit out of me with his risky behaviours….
The weekend ended with a visit from Meredith whom he also wined and dined before enticing her to join him for bath time. Meredith, who has never really been impressed by an 18 month old penis before was quite taken and repeatedly pointed to it and asked, “What this?” while Toby tried discretely and with all of his might to rip his foreskin off. See last sentence in paragraph 2.
But the HIGHLIGHT of his amorous weekend came last night when I was urgently summoned to the front door. There he stood with a proud grin on his face, very carefully holding with both hands a beautiful pink rose for me. Daddy had helped him pick it and he had walked all the way up the hill with his determined little hands clenched around the rose so he could give it to me. In fact, he was SO EXCITED to give it to me that when the earwigs started crawling out of it and we grabbed it away from him he BURST into inconsolable tears. Rob was NOT ALLOWED to touch the rose - - he only settled once it was in his hands again and his beautiful (now tear stained) grin reappeared as he finally handed it to me. And I, like Allison, Meredith and the girls down the road…melted….