Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dinner Excitement

Tonight Toby learned the word, “Both”.

We were just finishing up dinner and I offered him the choice between peaches and pineapple. I knew right away it would be one of life’s biggest dilemmas for the poor guy; those are two of his favourites.

Before I’d even finished asking the question he was already on his knees bouncing up and down and banging his spoon on the table while answering in exuberant bliss, ‘PEACHES! PEACHES’. Somewhere in his excitement he managed to hear the rest of the question. The sentence ended with, “BUT TOBY LOVES PINEAPPLE!!!”

The agonizing choice was too much for mommy; I offered to give him both.

“POHT! POHT! Toby wants POHT!”

It had never occurred to us, that a child with such words as “Hippopotamus”, “Bull dozer” and “ambulance” in his vocabulary would not yet know the word “both”. But apparently he didn’t.

As he shoved his excited face with handfuls of pineapple and peach segments, we asked him to practice the consonant, “B”. HE accepted the challenge earnestly and flawlessly, spewing fresh juice all over us in the process. But as soon as the bowl was empty he reverted back to his new favourite, “Toby wants more Peaches and POHT! Toby wants more PINEAPPLE and POHT!”

I don’t know WHAT exactly he thinks "Poht" is, but he sure does enjoy it.

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