Sunday, January 25, 2009

Welcome to my blogspot!

Welcome to my blogspot!  I've decided to start this blog for a few reasons -- partly due to popular demand (or maybe that's just everyone being nice...), partly because I have enjoyed writing/journaling things these past few weeks...and partly because I want something good to come of what we have been through.  And if a blogspot is what comes of it- - what a messed up, traumatic and emotionally draining path its taken me to start this.  But hey, life doesn't always follow the most straight forward path at times.

Three weeks ago I was gearing up for another week at work and Rob and I were "preparing ourselves" as little Toby started to develop his first cold.  Little did we know what we had in store for us.  I will start this first post by posting my journaling from our time in hospital - -which my mother has kindly edited and pdf'd for me (is that a verb?).  And from then on in, I promise only boring posts about normal day to day stuff with a 10 month old....

:) Lyss and Toby the Terrific

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging! I've been very (VERY) intermittently blogging for a while; it's kinda fun to look back at our hockey playoffs (circa 2004)!

