As I was driving home this morning, after a wonderful fun
filled Canada day weekend I heard a call in show on the radio. The question posed to listeners was to
summarize their Canada Day weekend in 3 words.
I came up with many different variations on a theme to
summarize my own weekend
like : Campfire, Watertrampoline, Neighbors
Or : Food,
Booze, Fun
Or : Relaxing, Refreshing, Reconnecting
Even : Dad’s Demented Backpain
After a fun filled weekend with a wide array of activities I
had trouble selecting just THREE words.
This weekend we took the kids out to the village for dinner
one night. The excitement of
“going out for dinner” was palpable as Mia put on her pretty red dress and
cardigan and Toby allowed me to actually wash the grass stains off his knees
for once. We sauntered through the
Village while the kids ran ahead and marveled at the number of tourists. We rolled our eyes while the kids
sneakily placed an order for CHOCOLATE milk (reserved only for UBER special
occasions such as this) and enjoyed sharing pizza and stories before heading
out for ice cream in front of the live stage.
Sunday we put the Water trampoline in the lake and invited
our neighbors over to celebrate with swimming, jumping, splashing and
Sangria-drinking (can you guess which one of the above I partook in?!?!?)
before making the kids dinner over the fire. Toby couldn’t believe that it had taken 5 whole years of his
life before he was introduced to the miraculous invention of Smores. Mia, ever the little sweet tooth,
wasn’t surprised in the least and ate them with a fervent “I always suspected
something like this existed” attitude.
While the adults drank and ate separately the kids watched a movie
before we all reunited later for fireworks.
Monday we took an impromptu trip to Toronto to rescue my dad
from his debilitating back pain that struck suddenly in the middle of the
night. My mom almost took him to
ER it was so bad. She had her
institute that week so would be gone ALL day on Monday and for the rest of the
week. So we packed everyone up and
sped down to Toronto to help out.
And that’s the funny thing about Dementia.
When sweet little Mia walked in first and very earnestly
asked, “Papa, is your back sore?” he smiled, patted her on the head and then
confidently stated, ”Nope! I feel
great!” He didn’t know enough to
even PRETEND to have had a sore back.
And so we were forced to make the most of this unnecessary emergency
trip by making ourselves feel better with an afternoon movie in a real theatre,
a trip to the local splash pad and after dinner Gelatos.
And so you can see my dilemma I had, trying to summarize my weekend in THREE Words. But I think I got it just right : I LOVE MY KIDS!!!
(OK that’s four words – but I’ve never been known at concise. It took me the whole drive up to come up with my “three” words and I obviously didn’t get to call in and share them, but felt the need to document this on my blog for posterity)
Rob and I had SO much fun together and with our kids this weekend, I feel I can say with great confidence that I officially want to freeze time and keep my kids this age forever.
In summers past we have had fun but either one of the kids was too young or I was too pregnant to fully be able to enjoy summer activities. I had a heads up this weekend that we are coming into a new stage, one with endless possibilities and one that lets us ALL have fun (while still attaining adequate amounts of sleep…yes, that’s right - -any ideal weekend in my world MUST still involve the necessary 8 hours sleep requirement. Having kids has given me Post Traumatic Sleep Disorder. I will never be able to party like I used to again…)
I don’t think my kids are likely to remember the Canada Day
weekend of 2013 when they were 5 and 2.5 years old, so I just had to document
it for them, and for my future self to read when the cause me to pull my hair out with frustration; this weekend they proved to not only be flexible and resilient but also a ton of fun. Right now I
can’t wait to spend every weekend this summer with them…and all the days in
"Love. My. Kids."
"Love. My. Kids."