My darling Mia, today you are two!
Just LOOK at all the wonderful things you can do!
You can climb up the stairs, dance, hop and sing
(But running around naked is by FAR your favourite thing)
You are busier than any other kid that I know
You do yoga, gymnastics, and swimming; Shelly in tow
To Daddys’ school you’ve gone every Wednesday this year
Ensuring that the “Roots of Empathy” curriculum is heard
loud and clear
You have made friends with many of his students there
They read you books, play games and laugh at your crazy
About that hair of yours, it needs to be said,
Went directly from me, with love, to your head
It is wild, it is crazy, (it likes nap-time the best)
You never KNOW what it will do to do but it’s ALWAYS a mess!
You speak many words and string lots of them together
But still have a few you refuse to surrender
Your blanket is “bee-da” your bottle a “Baba”
Grandma is “Namy” but Papa is still Papa
About him – you know- he’s your favourite of sorts
There’s a smile you reserve just for him and his cahorts
You don’t care that he forgets or walks with a cane
You go first to him, always running, hugs and kisses the
Last weekend you two played Mr Potato Head together
It involved many giggles, dropped body parts – a total
But you and Papa laughed your way through the worst
The smile on Grandma’s face, as she watched, I thought would
And speaking of people you love, lets name a few
Shelly, Toby, Mommy, Daddy, Grandmas One and Two
You have friends galore – especially Jack, Jack and Anook
And of course to every dog you’ve ever met a fondness you
But your FAVOURITE animal of all, of course, is the Alpaca
Which we look for EVERY TIME we drive past it
I suspect by next year you’ll have a new fave…
Could I kindly suggest more rhyming options with IT’s name??
You’re a wonderful little sister to your loving big Brother
I can’t remember what he did before you – to him there is no
You pull his hair, break his lego, steal his pillow and his
But he always forgives you because he loves you with all his
You’re not ALL evil, however, as you recently have shown
A great empathy for others with your inquisitive moan,
“O-KAY, Daddy?” you’ll ask if he’s in the garage for a time
Or to Toby if he falls, just to make sure he’s fine.
Yes, Mia, we know you’re tough, and always a hoot
But you’re a softie deep down, with a wicked humour to boot
These two years with you, my dear, have flown by
And I don’t really want you to grow any more, you know why?
Cause I love everything about you right now that makes you you
Your smile, your wild hair, your spunk and sweetness, too.
I fear one day you’ll be too old to cuddle,
Have a “baba” with your “beeda” in mama’s arms – our before
bed snuggle.
You’re going great places I can tell that already
But don’t grow up too fast little girl, I’m really not
Happy birthday to you, my shining star
Thank you for bringing us all so much joy thus far!!!